Ronn Torossian’s Advice for Staying Ahead of Public Relations’ Changing Trends
There have been many trends and themes that have emerged in both the public relations and marketing industries, from the constant waiting for the pandemic to end and the COVID-19 virus to vanish to the unceasing developments in various tools and technologies. Some businesses will be able to prepare themselves to navigate any situation when communicating by keeping up with those trends and themes.
According to Ronn Torossian, founder of 5WPR, many businesses have decided to completely alter their working environments as a result of the world experiencing some of the most disruptive few years in recent memory. Public relations has been one of those business environments and industries in general.
Using influencers
According to Ronn Torossian, the rise of the social media influencer has been a result of people using social media platforms to express themselves and their opinions. Influencer marketing campaigns have been one of the most important driving forces in public relations efforts over the past few years, and the future doesn’t appear to be any different in that regard. Influencers have continued to emerge in every specialised area of the Internet, from micro influencers with a few thousand followers on TikTok to influencers with millions of followers on social media sites like Instagram.
In fact, some of these well-known influencers have begun developing entirely new entry points into a variety of niches that may not have previously been on many different businesses’ radar screens. Companies have been moved by micro influencers to focus on smaller, more specialized audiences in place of mainstream media and celebrity endorsements.
A lot of businesses have also chosen to develop their own public relations campaigns that heavily rely on endorsements from influencers that lead to increased growth for the company because this tactic works so well for so many different kinds of businesses.
Nowadays, a person who shares online opinions that many people trust can be considered an influencer. A podcast host, a DJ at a local radio station, or even a digital vlogger or blogger, for example, can easily develop into an influencer and begin collaborating with brands and businesses.
Even though they might not have the wide following or notoriety of a traditional celebrity, these individuals still have a lot of credibility and support, and they have the power to influence the opinions of anyone who is listening to what they have to say.
In more recent times, maintaining positive relationships with the influencers a company has already connected with while simultaneously attempting to connect with new influencers has become a key component of public relations and working with influencers.
Companies must take a special approach when interacting with influencers because frequently, those influencers aren’t actually represented by talent agencies or agents, and they might not even be aware of them.