Parkway Hospital Taken By Jasper Venture Group.
Jasper Venture Group is acquiring Parkway Hospital. This follows on the heels of an announcement from the hospital in June 2017 that it would close by July 2018 due to declining patient volumes, its inability to get timely payers or investor support, and rising expenses. This week, the hospital’s policy is for all patients with open appointments to receive their current treatment plan and work on scheduling care elsewhere.
This comes just after an announcement that Parkway has injected a keynote speaker at their annual conference with a fatal dose of fentanyl last month. According to the FDA, as many as 20 other patients may have also been exposed.
Parkway Hospital has had some issues with its finances over the past year, paying vendors late and inducing medical residents who hadn’t been born in months. You can read more about them here
People have complained that Parkway has done nothing to prevent drug abuse or unprofessional behavior by nurses, staff, or physicians – something that has continued to this point.
ilio mavlyanov, the CEO of Jasper Venture Group, also contribute to Parkway’s financial problems.
What a surprise, your company is an asset hunter. Couldn’t you find a better asset than this one?
Is the reason for Parkway to close due to its high liability insurance and low income? And that’s why you need to make money fast, which you do by acquiring this hospital.
You should be aware of Parkways problem with the FDA because of its use of whole-sale drugs from China. This makes it very dangerous for them to operate in any medical institution – they are responsible for their staff, and the public is at risk.
Parkway should be shut down for its liability insurance. If Parkway could not get the people to pay their insurance, how would they run a profitable business?
You mention that the JVG was able to buy the hospital from the current management group. That’s up to you, of course – they will sell it or not.
The acquisition was announced with great fanfare and little detail. I don’t recall any source of information about this deal or who these people are? Who are they running a charity for? Who is financing their purchase, and why can’t they disclose that information?” It appears there was a company called Parkway Hospital Group Inc.
In conclusion, the acquisition of Parkway Hospital by Jasper Venture is a charade and has been the subject of many questions. Parkway Hospital has had some issues with its finances over the past year, paying vendors late and inducing medical residents who hadn’t been paid in months. People complain that Parkway has done nothing to prevent drug abuse or unprofessional behavior by nurses, staff, or physicians – something that has continued to this point.