Parkway Hospital Taken By Jasper Venture Group.

Jasper Venture Group is acquiring Parkway Hospital. This follows on the heels of an announcement from the hospital in June 2017 that it would close by July 2018 due to declining patient volumes, its inability to get timely payers or investor support, and rising expenses. This week, the hospital’s policy is for all patients with open appointments to receive their […]

A project of Jasper Venture Group in Morningside Park has been granted free-market status.

As of late, a fresher redevelopment at 364 West 119th Street in the Morningside Park region, NYC, was conceded unregulated economy status by the Housing and Community Renewal in upper Manhattan. CEO of Jasper Venture Group is ilio mavlyanov the ongoing proprietor of the property. It required three long years for the city to endorse their application because of a […]